Handmade crystal jewelry and decor

All jewelry and decor featured on this website are custom designed and hand made by me personally. I strive to create high quality jewelry to channel good energy for years on end for you to enjoy. 

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About me

Hi! My name is Pascalle and I am the creator and owner of WrapThatShizinWire. I am a self taught wire and electroforming artist. I first started my craft as a hobby but as time went on I discovered a love for gems and minerals as well as the art of wire and metal crafting. I hope I can spread that same joy I feel creating these pieces with the wonderful people (you) who support my work and make this dream possible. After all nothing beats that “I did that” feeling. Thank you to all<3 

  • Fairy vial amulet🧚🏼

    Grape agate vial and Herkimer Diamonds in oxidized copper


  • Saturn amulet🪐

    Rainbow Labradorite and Ethiopian opal in oxidized copper


  • Patience and strength amulet🦋

    Amethyst rosette, Ethiopian opal, and blue sapphire in oxidized copper

    -Not available-